Monday, September 24, 2007

Anti-Evolution Legislation in Louisiana

Senator David Vitter has earmarked funds of $100,000 to a group that opposes teaching evolution in classrooms according to an article in the New Orleans Times-Picayune. According to the article, Senator Vitter issued a written statement: “This program helps supplement and support educators and school systems that would like to offer all of the explanations in the study of controversial science topics such as global warming and the life sciences.”

I am from Louisiana, and this news is wholly embarrassing. There are so many points of contention I have with this news I hardly know where to begin.

Earmarking itself invites corruption. Senators should only be allowed to budget money from taxes. Federal agencies should then choose how to apply those funds to achieve the goals of the budget. The only controversy I see with evolution is with Christian religious organizations. Christianity is not a science, and its lessons do not belong in biology.

I agree global warming is controversial. Both sides of global warming, man-made or naturally occurring, seem to have valid evidence. Funding to resolve this needs to be used objectively by scientists. The funding does not belong in Louisiana public schools at this time.

Sadly, there are few in this state that feel this way. Perhaps we deserve this shameful representation.

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